Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have taken it upon ourselves to disrupt our day for just a moment to provide a State of the Garden statement as spring turns in to summer.
You would not believe the plants that keep arriving here at May Dreams Gardens. Seems like every time Carol leaves, she returns with more plants.
For awhile, there were plants on the front porch and plants on the back patio. Pots and flats of them.
We did not think it was possible for Carol to plant them all by this weekend, and we were sort of right though the day is young and we have heard rumors that by gum and by golly and by whatever means necessary, she will finish planting up a few containers this morning and then everything will be planted until she leaves again and returns with more plants.
We are garden fairies and we are constantly hearing rumors of new plants. Well, we welcome each and every one of those plants. The more the merrier, we say.
Now let’s talk about seeds. Carol has planted up the vegetable garden, and we are waiting now for the first seedlings to emerge. However, according to Granny Gus McGarden who reigns supreme over the vegetable garden, Carol has not yet sowed seeds for zinnias and sunflowers along the fence. Well, we are garden fairies and we don’t know what Carol is waiting on but she’d better do that soon. Today would not be soon enough.
We are garden fairies and we are excited about this summer in the garden. According to Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly, the garden has never looked as good as it does right now, in spite of the weeds. But we have heard rumors that Carol has a New Plan for dealing with the weeds. Stay tuned for more details.
Submitted by:
Violet Sweetpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe and Spokesperson for the Garden Fairies at May Dreams Gardens
It's good your fairies are keeping good track of you, Carol. Wouldn't want you slacking!
I'm curious about the new weed plan!
If that weed plan works, patent it! Cause I'll be stealing it.
Sounds like she has made good progress to me!
Cute post. (Someone has access to a handy raised-bed creator!!) 🙂 Does this help with the hoe-ing? Happy Spring!! SG
Hi Garden Fairies…it's always good to hear from you. I am really looking forward to hearing how Carol is going to deal with her weeds because I have a lot of weeds too! At this point any idea is a good idea!
I'm looking forward to learning about the weed plan.
I thought garden fairies were supposed to help with the planting and sowing? They do in my yard! 🙂
"I'm looking forward to learning about the weed plan."
Me too. This is the best weed plan..