Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and the first thing we would like to clarify, explain, and point out is that the picture we chose for this post is not a current picture by any stretch of any imagination, but it is how we hope the peas look in a few weeks.
Anyway, though it is nigh on spring (that’s fancy talk for “almost spring”) and we are quite busy, we thought it would be good to jump on here, save this blog as per usual, and report that Carol sowed the pea seeds yesterday on St. Patrick’s Day, as one should.
Carol would like for everyone to think that this is her tradition, but we checked her records and compared them to our recollections, and let us tell you that the last time she actually sowed peas on St. Patrick’s Day was in 2022. Last year, in 2024, she didn’t sow them until the 19th, which we can forgive, but in 2023, she didn’t sow them until the 26th, which we all remember was a trying nine days of waiting!
Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden was fit to be tied that year, but we all rallied around to support her through the trauma, as we do. We are garden fairies.
But let us return to yesterday, which started out a bit frosty and chilly, but sunny, and we all wondered if Carol would actually honor her pea-planting tradition. But lunchtime came and no sign of Carol in the garden. Mid-afternoon arrived. No sign of Carol.
We did not know at that point whether to get our hopes up or hunker down for a long wait. But then Honoria and Hortense saw her making some plant labels, so we got our hopes up and…
We are garden fairies, this is the high point of the story.
Carol came out, set up the pea trellises, and sowed the peas!
Now, we are garden fairies and when we saw how many packets of pea seeds Carol carried out to the garden, we thought she was going to plant row after row after row after row of peas, but she just sowed two rows, which is her custom.
Talk about a gardener who overbought pea seeds!
Seedy and Soddy laughed and laughed at Carol and all her packets of peas, but then Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly said he heard that she was going to donate the extra pea seeds to the local seed library. We all thought that sounded like a great idea because, really, we are garden fairies, we know there is still plenty of time for people to sow pea seeds this spring.
Now if you will excuse us, with those pea seeds in the ground, we are quite busy, and so we will end this post here. However, we have much to tell about other goings-on here in the garden so will endeavor to post again soon.
We are garden fairies.
Submitted by,
Violet GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Head of the Pea Seed Selection Committee (But not responsible for the over-buying of pea seeds.)
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