Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and once again, it is apparently up to us to save this garden from, well, Carol.

Let us begin by saying that we’ve calmed Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden down and reassured her that we will all help as much as we can.
Granny, as long-time readers of our garden fairy posts know, is responsible for the Vegetable Garden Cathedral.
Let us tell you she was fit to be tied this past week because Carol took her sweet time and then some before she planted the tomatoes and peppers and sowed all the seeds for vegetables. In fact, she probably was later doing all that this year than ever before!
Thankfully, she finally planted the tomatoes and peppers on Saturday, as in Saturday, May 29th. Then she came back out on Sunday, that would be Sunday, May 30th, and sowed all the seeds for vegetables.
But before she came out to the garden we saw her looking up at the roof and we looked too and well, Granny nearly had heart palpitations when she saw frost up there.

For those for whom a picture is worth a thousand words, let us just say that the picture of frost on that rooftop at the very end of May was worth a thousand garden fairy potty words.
You should have seen Granny when she saw that roof. It was all Seedy and Soddy could do to keep her from raising a ruckus early in the morning. To calm her down, Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly pointed out that the frost did not seem to get to the garden. Whew. That was a close call and according to Carol it was 40ºF in the morning when she took that picture as proof of the frost.
Brrrrr… anyway. Back to the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. Well, the good news is Carol finally got those tomatoes and peppers in the ground, as we noted above, but land sakes, Granny said she had to get out a magnifying glass to see those plants there were so tiny. Carol grew them from seed and thought they were tiny, too, but decided she was going to plant them anyway.
“They’ll grow,” she muttered, mostly to herself as though she needed to be convinced too.
That’s when we all gathered around and said we’d do all we could to help them grow. Even Carol helped, which is kind of a miracle. She fertilized all the plants.
We are garden fairies. We are grateful she did that. Now we are all pitching in to do our part, which we must keep a secret, for obvious reasons.
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe for the garden fairies here at May Dreams Gardens
P.S. The pretty flower in the first picture is Digitalis lutea, the Yellow or Straw foxglove. Carol just found out it is in the Plantaginaceae family, not the Scrophulariaceae family. Apparently, taxonomists moved it sometime after Carol studied plant taxonomy back in the day, which turns out to be, um, at least 40 years ago. Time flies. That’s what we heard her say today when she noted that it has been five years since she retired from whatever it was she did before. We are garden fairies, all we know is she is here all the time now, bugging Granny, teasing Seedy and Soddy. Honestly…
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