Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we have decided that it is time for us to have our say about what is going on around this garden.
Yes, we are having our say! We are not “explaining” as the title might lead you to believe, because we are garden fairies. We write posts, we leave lame titles and explanations up to Carol.
As we were saying, the weather on Monday this past week was awesome—sunny and warm. Seedy and Soddy did their best to open up all kinds of crocuses in the back lawn, while Carol came out and trimmed back the hellebores.
We are garden fairies. We do not let Carol work without supervision. So Hortense and Honoria supervised the cutting back of the hellebores, but Carol never even noticed she was being supervised like that. She never does, unless we take one of her tools, which we do only as a means to get her to stop doing something that we do not approve of.
We are garden fairies! We should not be telling you how we supervise!
But here goes… This time, we called on some sandhill cranes to fly over and make that little warbling noise they make. This made Carol pause and look up, which gave us an opportunity to have a look at her progress on cutting back those hellebores and make sure it was up to our standards.
Hortense and Honoria thought she did a fine job.
Well, the rest of the week, the weather was back to overcast and chilly so we garden fairies decided we’d kick back a bit, close up all the crocuses we’d pushed out, and concentrate on the snowdrops.
The snowdrops are doing just fine in the cold and blooming nicely.
Now some readers are going to look at that picture above and wonder why the snowdrops are forming that donut shape. Not to worry and thank you for your kind concern. We are garden fairies and we want to assure you that there are snowdrops in that center but they are just slower at coming up.
We’ve got Seedy and Soddy working on them, plus we’ve formed a committee to determine the best way to get Carol to dig up some of those snowdrops and spread them around a bit. We’ll report back later on our, or rather her, progress.
And now, we are garden fairies. We would normally stop here, but we must address two “elephants in the room,” so to speak.
The first elephant is that monstrosity on the patio, which Carol has named the Palace of Seed Sowing or something pretentious like that.

We are garden fairies and we think it is kind of ugly but then Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly said we should work with it because those seedlings could mean more flowers which we all agreed was a good thing. Then Deema Mae Flowerweaver stepped up and said she’d take care of it, so we are letting it stay.
The second elephant is the Botanical Garden that Carol built out of something called Legos.

“Oh my,” we all exclaimed when we saw it. Now that’s a palace!
It is a wonder to behold, that is for sure, and much prettier than that Palace of Winter Sowing.
Sweetpea MorningGlory has already been to the cafe’ on the right twice. She said the drinks were a little dry but otherwise fine. Seedy and Soddy tried to climb the tree in front, but Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly stopped them, saying he’d be the first to climb it so he could check it out to make sure it was safe. We think he just wanted to be first!
And Deema Mae has been inspecting all the flowers and gave them her stamp of approval.
But what about those little people standing around? Honestly, we think we should evict those little Lego people so we can move in. Toward that end, we’ve formed a committee to start working on just that. We’ll report back later and maybe even take some pictures to show folks how truly awesome the whole thing is so they’ll agree that we garden fairies should take it over.
Anyway, we are garden fairies. We are busy. We must tend to the snowdrops and the seeds outside, much as we’d prefer to hang out in this botanical garden wonder Carol built. (She built it just for us, right?)
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and now Head Gardener at the Lego Botanical Garden Conservatory at May Dreams Gardens
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