Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have not posted in quite a while and we know people are clamoring to hear from us so we have decided to break our silence but first…
Let us do a collect face-palm over what Carol wrote on the Instagram with a picture of dill flowers. She wrote, and we can barely repeat it, “Dill is a big deal in the veg garden.”
Ugh. Where does she come up with drivel like that about dill being a big deal in the vegetable garden?
We are garden fairies and we can only imagine. We do know that Granny Gus McGarden, who reigns over the Vegetable Garden Cathedral, is proud of how she has coaxed the dill to grow from self-sown seedlings, keeping them mostly contained in one bed, right by some cucumber vines.
Which is the best place for them.
Because everyone knows that dill and cucumbers go together like peas and carrots, like salt and pepper, like earth and sky, like yes and no, like Seedy and Soddy, like Flora and Florene, like snow and ice, like… well, you get the idea. They just go together.
Which reminds us that we need to tell everyone that Carol has really dropped the proverbial trowel when it comes to mulch. She had 36 bags of mulch delivered way back weeks ago, practically an eon ago, and do you know how many bags still need to be spread? At least 20. Maybe more. We are garden fairies we counted them. Let’s see. There are four bags on the side stoop by the garage, a pile of 12 bags by the kitchen window, and another nine bags in another pile on the patio.
Wait a minute. Ol’ Rainbow Tangle Fly says that’s 25 bags! Carol is lazier than we thought and believe you us, we didn’t have high expectations anyway.
Of course, we did hear her mumble something about spreading all that mulch by the end of the month, which is today. That did not happen. Now we hear mutterings about getting it done by the Fourth of July.
We are garden fairies. We will watch and wait and see for ourselves!
Submitted by:
Violet GreenPea Maydreams, Chief Scribe and Head Videographer at May Dreams Gardens. Please check out my videos!
Dear Garden Fairies, Carol isn't the only one that hasn't spread any mulch this year. It just hasn't happened yet. Your dill looks quite fine.
How does one unsubscribe from this site. Sorry. I'm just not getting much from this. I need a little more "meat" conversation about plants. I think it is fun for someone that wants to listen to this chat sort of thing, but I need for.
Emily, on the email you got notifying you of a post, just hit "Unsubscribe Now" at the bottom of the email and you should not longer receive notifications. If that doesn't work, let me know!
I have quite a bit of dill growing near my cucumbers, too!
All I can say is that it's a good thing these fairies haven't seen my all-too-weedy garden.
Mulch. Oh, dear. Don't remind me.