Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and we saw Carol out taking more pictures of crocuses yesterday afternoon, and once again in full sun which we know does not make for a good picture, and she knows it too.
Anyway, worse than the pictures in full sun is the idea that once again Carol might write about crocuses! Together we cried in unison collectively, “Oh no, is she going to write about crocuses again? Hasn’t she written enough about fall-blooming crocuses?”
If it was up to us garden fairies, we would have chosen other topics, which, herewith we provide a short list of possible choices.
First, Carol could write about fall leaf colors. My goodness, but Seedy and Soddy have been working hard all fall to come up with some good fall leaf colors, but do you know what Carol noticed? That after that freeze last week, the ginkgo dropped all its leaves, while they were still green. Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly said it keeps happening and he doesn’t know why because he sees other ginkgo trees that turn yellow first. He’s fixing to put together a research proposal to send to a committee to be discussed and then voted on which will likely lead to revisions and more paperwork before the research can even begin, which means that the problem isn’t likely to be solved anytime soon, and besides, it is too late for this year and there are other pressing matters to attend to, which are a secret.
Second, Carol could write about how she stows stuff away all winter under a great big tarp and how every year, no matter how many times she walks around the garden looking, she usually misses one or two garden ornaments and then has to try to work them in under the tarp after it is tied down. Will she ever figure out that Seedy and Soddy take it as a personal challenge to hide at least one garden ornament just to see how long it takes Carol to realize she missed it?
Third, Carol could write about how she is going to clean up the vegetable garden… which we assume she will do eventually. After all, it is a Vegetable Garden Cathedral, so it deserves to enter winter in a state of glorious cleared off-ness. Carol hasn’t ever not cleaned it up but even so the fact that it isn’t completely cleaned up yet has us a little worried, but she did pull out all the pepper plants so we assume she’ll return to clear out the tomato vines. Won’t she? Of course, she will! We are garden fairies, we aren’t worried about it, much.
Fourth, Carol could write about planting bulbs this fall. Honestly, Honoria and Hortense were just a little miffed at how few bulbs Carol bought to plant this fall, but then Sweetpea MorningGlory reminded us all of the thousands of bulbs already planted in past years, and that reminded us of the fall-blooming crocuses that Carol would probably write about if “planting bulbs” was the topic, so we decided to leave well enough alone and not force this topic. Dear readers, you can thank us for that!
Fifth and finally, Carol could write about her microgreens, but again, this topic has been covered to the nth degree and we garden fairies don’t think she needs to write more about it. Really, other than pansies and violas… oh dear, we are garden fairies, let’s not suggest pansies and violas as a topic for obvious reasons.
Submitted by:
Viola GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Head of the Committee To Explore Reasons Why the Ginkgo Dropped Its Leaves While They Were Still Green
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