Garden fairies here!
We are garden fairies and once again, we are compelled to post on this blog for reasons most obvious.
Today’s topic is the sweet corn in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral.
Yes, once again, Carol planted a small block of sweet corn with high hopes.
And once again, the raccoons got to the sweet corn before Carol did and it is not our fault in any way, shape, form, or universe.
Well, actually, it might be a tiny bit our fault. You see, Seedy and Soddy were supposed to be minding the corn that night, but they stepped away for what they claimed was just a few minutes to go check on some mums that they had gotten to bloom early.
And while they were gone for “just a few minutes,” the raccoons came out of wherever they were hiding and ate up all the sweet corn.
Looking at the sweet corn mess the next morning, Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden who reigns supreme over the Vegetable Garden Cathedral during the day, said she thought Seedy and Soddy were definitely gone for much longer than a few minutes.
Seedy, Soddy, Granny, and several other garden fairies went back and forth discussing this for quite a while until Ol’ Rainbow TangleFly stepped in and reminded them that we are garden fairies. Going back and forth arguing over raccoons and sweet corn is not our style.
That said, we are thankful that Carol came out and cleaned up the mess those raccoons left because Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden isn’t as young as she used to be and she appreciates all the help she can get, which is why Seedy and Soddy were supposed to be minding the sweet corn at night.
Anyway, we all felt kind of bad about the sweet corn, so Granny decided she would make the sweet corn stalks turn “real pretty” so at least they would look nice for Carol for a while heading into fall. We think she did a great job.
And now if you will excuse us, we have a lot of work to do so not much time to jabber on and on via this blog post. We have to set up watch stations for the pawpaws that will be ripening in a few weeks. If we let the raccoons get to them before Carol, well, we are garden fairies, we just won’t let that happen.
Plus, Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden and her son the right Right Reverend Augustus McGarden are going to perform a concert for us, now that the ‘Concert Bell’ sunflowers are blooming.

They aren’t too far from where one of the pawpaw trees is so we can enjoy the concert AND keep a watch on the pawpaws.
We are garden fairies!
Submitted by:
Viola GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and Head Usher for the concert venue at May Dreams Gardens
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