Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have not posted for awhile, which as you know, is not our fault.
Carol hogs the computer. She doesn’t like us to post too often because she said, “How am I going to be taken seriously as a garden writer and disseminator of great gardening wisdom if I let garden fairies post on my blog?”
As if!
We have a thing or two to explain to Carol about the wisdom we provide to her garden knowledge. Or is that whimsy? Two words, both start with W. Hmmm. Something for us to ponder. As if we had the time.
We do not have the time. We had quite a day yesterday in the garden. Here it is not even Valentine’s Day and it was 67ºF and sunny in the garden yesterday. We garden fairies decided to take full of advantage of it and open up every single crocus bud that was showing in the lawn.
And there were a lot of them. We got them all open and waited for Carol to come out.

And waited.
And waited.
“Waited” is another one of those W words like “winter”. We are garden fairies, we notice stuff like that.
Anyway, we waited. Honoria Hellebore was hopeful that Carol would come out and cut back some of the old hellebore foliage so she could show off the blooms without the old foliage.

Honoria Hellebore is still hopeful and still waiting.
It was quite the party in the garden especially since Carol wasn’t around to keep us in check. We did as we pleased. And you know if you let garden fairies do as they please in a garden… well, let’s just say there are going to be some surprises for Carol in this year’s gardens.
No, no. We aren’t going to tell what those surprises are just yet. Let time tell its tales, we say.
Anyway, at first we thought Carol might be inside watching more episodes of “Poirot” on Netflix. By the way, she watched an episode called “Hallowe’en” the other day and was indignant that the gardener was involved in the murders and they actually buried one of the murder victims in the garden. Tsk, tsk. We were indignant that she might be watching “Poirot” instead of tending to the garden.
Well, finally Carol came out rather late in the afternoon and walked around and took some pictures, then went right back inside and left again. We garden fairies were indignant at that so we sent some scouts inside and together with the houseplant fairies, we figured out Carol went to a garden program all day. And she bought books and got some ideas.
We are garden fairies. All ideas must be run through us before being planted in the garden. After all, as readers can plainly see, without us garden fairies, nothing would have gotten done in the garden yesterday. But we did quite a bit done and look forward to Carol discovering just exactly what we did, as we discover more about her ideas.
Submitted by:
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, Chief Scribe and Head Scout at May Dreams Gardens
You Garden Fairies have your hands full now that Carol is retired. She is whizzing about doing all sorts of things. You better have your best scouts out and about to keep an eye on her. We all know that beautiful things are coming in the garden. Tis the season.
Well Garden Fairies, someone scared the moles from my garden down to my neighbor's house. If it was friends of yours, Thanks! Keep up the good work! Carol would surely miss you if you just sat back and took it easy.
You did a fabulous job opening all those crocuses, Violet! I'm sure Carol was pleasantly surprised, even if she didn't thank you. The fairies here must still be taking a long winter's nap, because I've only a few leaves of crocuses showing up here and there.