Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies and we have taken over this blog once again to report recent weather related events here in May Dreams Gardens.
The other morning, we were all getting ready to help the pillywiggins open the crocuses. The pillywiggins are garden fairies who especially like the early spring flowers, truth be told and we always tell the truth. They are quite diligent in noticing every new flower as it blooms and fussing over it as though they have never seen a flower before.
In a way, that’s how it is with the pillywiggins. We don’t know why, for sure, that they have such an affinity to spring blooms, but they do.
Anyway, it was morning and we were getting ready to enjoy another spring day when all of a sudden Sweetpea MorningGlory noticed that it was snowing. It was snowing like December. That sent us into a tizzy and running for cover which is okay because we are garden fairies and we are used to events around here causing us to run for cover. Like when Carol bursts through that gate with a hoe in her hand, or butts it open with her wheelbarrow.
Anyway, shortly after Sweetpea proclaimed that it was snowing, it stopped snowing and most of the little bit of snow we got melted right off. So we garden fairies went about our business as we normally do. Then whoosh came another big bunch of snow came and this time it kept snowing and snowing and snowing until all the crocuses and other spring blooms were completely buried, completed buriedd, did we mentioned completely buried, under the snow.
We are garden fairies and we were dumbstruck by this snow. Ol’ Tangle Rainbowfly scratched his head when he saw how much snow there was, well over six inches, and started looking at all of our astrological charts and leafing through The Garden Fairies’ Guide to Spring to see if we had perhaps mis-calculated the beginning of spring. After awhile, he declared that indeed it should be spring and he didn’t know why we had all this snow.
We decided at that point to go talk to Granny Gus McGarden out in the vegetable garden. She is one of the oldest garden fairies around but is as sharp as newly sharpened pruners and remembers just about everything around here. We found Granny pacing up and down the row of pea seeds Carol sowed the week before, fussing over them, as she usually does. She declared that it had been over 100 years since anyone had experienced snow like this. She then began to recount the tales told to her by her own granny, Granny Marigold McGarden, about other so-called springs like this, the last one being in 1912.
We garden fairies soon started to doze off as Granny told her tales and awoke the next morning to a winter wonderland. We worried about the crocuses, but the pillywiggins assured us that they would fix them right up after the snow melted, and sure enough they did.
We thought the crocuses out in the lawn looked real nice in the melting snow this afternoon.

We even marked a picture of them so all the nice readers of this blog could see where they were.

We marked them with hearts because we are garden fairies and we love them out in the lawn.
Between this spring, which dumped all this unbelievable snow on us and our early spring flowers and last spring when it was as hot as a warm simmering pot of tea, causing all the early spring flowers to almost melt, we garden fairies are thinking, well, we don’t know what to think. We will just hope for more seasonable days, and a quick melting of this snow so that spring can return.
Submitted by
Viola Greenpea Maydreams, chief scribe and historian for the garden fairies at May Dreams Gardens
Cute, cute post! 🙂
The garden fairies here at Wit's End are still recovering from all today's ruckus. When we emerged from our hiding places, we were shocked to see that a tree was missing from its usual spot. We hope the Head Gardener stops She Who Must Be Obeyed (except by garden fairies) from cutting down any more trees!
My crocuses don't bloom anymore..I think it has been too hot and dry.
Hello Garden Fairies!
27 degrees here in north Mississippi this morning, but thankfully no snow. Love the crocus. You all do such a good job taking care of them.
Do you have or know about Fairy Spuds? Lots of them here – you would be in Hog Heaven as we say in the South. Come over to my blog to have a look.
Have a wonderful day!
Lea's Menagerie
Hello Garden Fairies! Yes, this is a very odd spring. I'm glad you are ok and that you were able to go about your usual business. Spring weather will be here soon and then you can laugh and play in the sunshine!! Always nice hearing from you.
We are having cold weather too, here in Michigan, but that is pretty normal for us. Guess we missed all the heavy snow that you got. I'm still waiting to see any sign of crocuses, all we have are a few snowdrops.