What a wonderful day, the first day to really get out into the garden in the spring. It really is one of the best days of the year. I don’t set a lot of expectations for getting things done, I just go out and do a few things to get my hands dirty and “get my head back into the garden”. Here is how my day went…
First, I got to try out new tools for the garden that I got for Christmas and birthday. Today I used my new tub as I cut back some Japanese blood grass and trimmed up the hellebores. There are indeed some nice big flower buds on the hellebores and they look much better with the old frozen foliage removed.
I also filled my new tub several times with henbit and will surely fill it many more times as weeding begins in earnest. Early spring is the best time to weed, while the ground is still damp and soft and the weeds are little. Trust me on this, don’t procrastinate on the weeding!
I also just looked around to see what else I needed to do, later, of course, not on the first day in the garden. My eyes were drawn to this mass of forsythia shrubs and I have decided that they have got to go. These have not bloomed in the nearly nine years since I planted them, there is a bunch of grass growing up around them, and I think the rabbits hide here. There are no flower buds on them this spring, either. I want something there to separate the raised bed vegetable garden from the rest of the yard, but this forsythia, which was labeled Forsythia x intermedia ‘Arnold Dwarf’, just isn’t living up to my expectations! I think I’d rather plant raspberries or something like that in this bed. So, I’ve made a note to dig all this out. Goin’ do it, don’t try to stop me!

And then I had some fun with my camera.

It was my first day in the garden, too! ( http://ourlittleacre.blogspot.com/2007/03/boing.html )
Carol, Oh, how I envy you getting out and being able to get your hands busy in the garden. I’m in Wisconsin with a foot of snow still on the ground and nursing a bad cold. The temps have gotten into the 40s now and there is some melting going on. So it will be soon for me. You have tons of patience letting those non-blooming forsythia live as long as they have! I really like the tub you’ve got. I’ve got some collapsible types but your rigid, green beauty looks very handy. Thank you for the link! I love your site and the attitude you have – just what I’ve been looking for. Alyssa
Kylee… thanks for the comments. Our days and activities sound quite similar.
Alyssa… sorry about your cold and snow and ice, still. I did want to point out that the new tub is flexible, not rigid, so it is easy to carry around. I really like it!
Must be nice to have time in the garden! I made it out back yesterday for a ferret funeral, but that is about it! I need you to come over and make me a list and prioritize it for me — that would be what a good gardening sister would do!! LOL!!
So you will love those trugs, Carol. I have had mine for years. I have one that’s smaller, and two exactly that size. They’re great for carrying water, too.
We’re thawing, slowly. It will be a long time before I will be able to get out in our garden. It’s just way too wet. BUT I did see two frogs in our little fishpond so things’re looking up!!
I’m so jealous! I’m longing to be in the garden. Finally, after another frigid week here in the Northeast, yesterday it warmed dramatically, and rained Saturday night, melting a lot of snow but leaving a vast lake by the back door and in the chicken yard.
Still, snow and puddles will eventually go…in the meantime I will finish my painting project. I hope you enjoy another lovely day outside in the garden today!
Man those muck shoes look comfy!! I have spent the weekend doing gardening and my feet say.. get those mucks! haha! I’ll have to show you my CLOD-HOPPERS that I wear. It’s a toss up between my mowing shoes and my gardening shows on which are the prettiest!
Hi Carol,
Today (March 11) was my first day doing abit of “work” in the garden. Plan a new fence, check the thawing, clean up abit, check out my new shovel. My shoes aren’t as practical as yours. Not waterproof. Just old Lands End suede slip-ons. Comfy. Isn’t it great to be back in the garden! “henbit” is a new word for me. Did you invent that?
Nice watch.