Ding! I picked up my phone yesterday to see who the text was from and was delighted to see it was from the owner of the local greenhouse. She wanted me to see the first bloom on their violas.
Sweet! In just a matter of weeks, I’ll be heading over to get my flats of violas and pansies to plant all over so everything looks pretty for Easter.
Now, you might be wondering why the owner of the local greenhouse, CourtsYard and Greenhouse, is sending me texts about flowers in February. But then again, you might have read what I wrote in one of my books about buying violas and pansies in the spring, so you know why she sent me the text.
Or you may not care! You may just be excited that spring is coming!
I know I am!
Now, time for a couple of reminders…
Have you listened to The Gardenangelists podcast that I record every single week with Dee Nash of Red Dirt Ramblings? This week’s episode is all about morning glories and sweet potatoes. I don’t want to be a tease but I will tell you that we were able to work in mentions of Lenny Kravitz and William Shakespeare in this episode.
I just published my monthly newsletter. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can see what it’s all about by clicking on the link to this month’s edition. If you are viewing this post from my website versus in your email, all the newsletter archives are linked in the footer. I only send the newsletter once a month, on the second Tuesday.
It seems like there should be a third reminder, but I can’t think of anything in particular other than stay warm, stay fit, and stay safe. Spring is coming!
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