Dear Layanee,
I was looking at your blog, Ledge and Gardens, this evening thinking about how it has been too long since you wrote a new post.
Poke, poke.
Well, actually, it hasn’t been that long, but before the last post it was several months! I know, I know. You’ve been busy traveling to England to see gardens with good friends and family. I’m envious of you, because I know it wasn’t your first trip to England and I don’t think for a minute it will be your last trip.
Maybe some year I can join the same garden tour? After all, the stunning pictures you’ve posted on your blog of your past trips are enough to lure anyone to England. Me, included, someday, so wouldn’t it be nice if I could go on the tour you go on?
Plus, I know how fun you are to be around, having attended more than one garden bloggers fling with you. Do you remember when we first met in person, in Chicago? Several of us were riding the train out to the ‘burbs to visit another gardener, just chatting about gardening and life, as though we’d known each other for years.
I guess in some ways, through our blogs, we had already met, just not in person. I suspected from your blog that you were hospitable, fun-loving, and caring, all rolled into one person, and I was right.
Oh, I’m getting all gushy, which isn’t my style at all.
Back to your blog, I think your garden looks great, too, from all the pictures. You’ve got a gift for photography and gardening (and for being kind and generous). Often a peek at your blog makes me add a few new plants to my shopping list. I know it gives you joy to enable me, and no doubt other gardeners, that way.
When I see your pictures, I always hope someday my garden grows up to be as nice as yours is.
And I hope we meet again in person someday soon, perhaps at the next garden bloggers’ fling. In the meantime, I hope all is well with you and yours, including your sweet granddaughter, and that the end of summer finds you knee deep in vegetables and happy with all the blooms in your garden.
With a shared love of gardening,
P.S. In the past, you’ve chided me for only showing close up pictures of my garden on my blog. Well, just for you, I’ve attached a picture showing more of a view of the garden.

I was sitting on the patio reading a book one evening when I glanced up and thought how nice the garden looked as the light was fading, so I put the book down and took a picture looking across the table. I think it’s looking pretty good, thanks to the “good bones” my garden designer helped me install. I hope you agree!
What a lovely backyard garden! It looks so peaceful.
Oh what a beautiful garden! Isn't it funny when I critique my own garden I feel my plantings of some things take over such as rudbeckia. Yours is so pretty while I feel mine is 'taking over'. I enjoyed your letter.
Ha! What a surprise and a delight to find a letter posted to 'Moi' right here. I am very late to this table of generosity. You are so very kind. I do remember when we first met in Chicago which was my first fling although I did try very hard to get to Austin. Anyway, you lead the way with blogging and have been and continue to be quite an inspiration! I do have a post 'in the can' so to speak and have a new goal of once per week. You know how it it, after eight years of blogging one can get repetitive. I will try to avoid that. Many thanks and hugs even though I know you don't really like them. 🙂 Yours in Gardening and Life!
Oh, and of course it would be a delight to tour gardens with you. England is a must for you. I have learned so much just from seeing those gardens. What have I learned you ask? Well, don't fight the site and don't think you can grow what others grow unless you have the same exact soil and day length. It is always humbling to visit a spectacular garden.
What a nice letter. Layanee is a jewel, to be sure. And I can vouch for the fun times to be had with her and going on those garden tours of England. Carol, Layanee is right about your leading the way. You have always been kind and supportive and brought the community together. We love you for that. Virtual hugs. 😉