What do you mean, I didn’t plant this?

This is none other than the nicest clump of fleabane, (probably Erigeron annuus), a common weed, that I’ve ever grown. It’s blooming in the garden, acting for all the world like it belongs there, like it was I who planted it. I will let it go for now. It’s kind of pretty.
Plus, there are for more egregious weeds to pull before I yank this out.
But I shall not let it go to seed! (Much)
Elsewhere in the garden there are ox-eye daisies, Leucantheman vulgare.

Technically, I only planted these once and then each year they choose the spots where they reappear each spring. A self-sowing perennial, it is easy to yank it back from where you don’t want it to grow. I don’t seem to have it in many spots this year so I’ll probably let it grow on a bit and do some more self-sowing.
Plus, there are more egregious thugs to yank out before I worry about these daisies.
I view both of these self-sown flowers as gifts to my garden, whether I introduced them or not. They are lovely, and the pollinators like them. They get to stay.
I love these cheeky blow ins! Leucanthemum is particularly good because the seedlings are distinctive,so can be tactfully moved along if they’re sitting on something else!
I love Ox-eye daisies. I wish I had some in my garden!