Rainy Sundays. I suppose if we must have rain on a weekend, it is better for the rain to fall on Sunday rather than Saturday.
I ran out to take a few pictures and check on the Vegetable Garden Cathedral when it was sprinkling just a little bit. A lull between rain clouds.
I passed by the lovely ‘Lady Jane’ tulips, all closed up, doing their best to protect their pollen until a sunny day.
Which will hopefully be tomorrow.
Out in the vegetable garden, the lettuce, radish, and spinach seeds I sowed just a week ago are all coming up.

I’m a darn fool if I don’t cover those seedlings with a cover cloth pretty soon. I actually hope to remember to do that tomorrow evening. If I don’t, I might as well print up menus and hand them to the rabbits. “Our special this evening is hand-sown lettuce seedlings, served in a straight row to allow for easier eating. For dessert, we are once again offering clover, violets, and dandelions, served au natural on the lawn.”
The apple tree is blooming. I will find out in the weeks ahead if there is another apple tree nearby to cross pollinate it. If not, I must decide if I’ll try to find another fireblight resistant apple tree to plant somewhere else around the garden. Well, “must” is a strong word. I could just leave the tree for decoration. Or I could remove it. Whatever. I’m not ready to decide. I need more data!
Not shown in the picture are the blueberries I transplanted to the veg garden last weekend. They are all leafing out and by golly, I think they are going to make it.
I am also pleased to see foliage coming out on the pawpaw and quince trees I planted this spring. In case I hadn’t mentioned it, I’m excited to have these new additions in the garden. I’ll be eating good some fall day in the next few years… pawpaws and quinces. Yes, and maybe some apples, too.
This coming week, I am going to spend some time weeding in the garden. I promised myself I wouldn’t let weeds get big this year. Maybe I should enter into a contract with myself, in case my word to myself isn’t good enough, or my resolve weakens?
The contract would go something like this.
Whereas, you have planted a vegetable garden,
Wherefore, it is known that vegetables grow better and gardens look better without weeds,
Wherefore, it is also known and understand that weeds do not go away on their own,
Wherefore, it is also known and understand that weeds are easier to remove when they are small,
Therefore, you agree to regularly spend time in your vegetable garden removing said weeds when they are small.
Signed _________________________________
Oh, yes, I’m sure this contract will help.
Feel free to print and sign for yourself, if you think it will help you remember to weed, or you just like the idea of being contractually obligated to your garden.
We’ll see how it goes in the weeks ahead.
From here, your vegetable garden looks weed-free.
You are too funny, Carol. But I know it's not amusing when the bunnies strike. I have to remember my row covers, too. Happy spring! P. x
No contract needed here. I see the little buggers and can't wait to pull the weed.
Your vegetable garden looks picture perfect! I have printed the contract and signed it. Thanks for that help!
Good luck warding off the bunnies! Your vegetable garden looks great. I'm sure you will get loads of yummy vegetables from it. -Beth
It's a good sign that the bunnies haven't eaten your tulips. Perhaps they'll also leave your veggies alone? Oops, sorry. I must have fallen down the rabbit hole…