Last Saturday, I found out via a virtual awards program that the third book in my trilogy of gardening humor, Seeded and Sodded: Thoughts from a Gardening Life received first place in the category of Non-Fiction Books for Adult Readers, Humor from the National Federation of Press Women.
I’ve slapped a banner across the image of the book on the website and am working on updating descriptions here, there, and everywhere to include the award.
In other book-related news, I have added my fifth book, Creatures and Critters: Who’s in My Garden to my online store if anyone is interested in an autographed copy of it or any other book. Quantities are limited because it is taking longer to get copies from the distributor. I’m placing another order this week to replenish my supply, but who knows when they will arrive? As per usual, the book is available as hardback or softcover. Or if you prefer, you can also get the e-book version wherever e-books are sold.
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