One of the easiest and most dramatic houseplants to grow and keep alive is the Bird of Paradise plant, Strelitzia sp. It's also easy for people to recognize, especially when it's in flower, like the …
Christmas Roses and Lenten Roses
If you have a hellebore blooming now, or sometime over the winter, chances are it is Helleborus niger, commonly called the Christmas Rose because it usually blooms in the wintertime. Though …
A Pansy to Greet Me
As the weather cools down, the pansies perk up. And that's when I always think about how I should have planted more of them when I had the chance to buy them a few months ago. But I never plant …
Listening While Gardening
The old joke—and I mean old—is to be careful what you say in a garden because the corn has ears. But who cares what the corn hears? There's not a kernel of truth in what they might repeat! …
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for November 2023
Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for November 2023. Here in my USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, there are still a few flowers, if you know where to look for …
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A Violet in the Leaves
There are lots of flora and fauna hiding in the fallen leaves this time of year. Some of the fauna are snuggling in for a long winter nap. A few of the flora are just trying to force out one more …