Early responses to the Garden Bloggers Seed Survey indicate that darn near every gardener sows a few seeds. In fact, just one respondent out of 21 so far doesn’t sow seeds. The reason given is because …
Seed Buying Secrets
What would you call the love of buying and sowing seeds?I would call it sporosphilia, using the Greek word “sporos” for seed and “philia” for love. Conversely, I would call the fear of seeds, …
Chicken Foot Orchid
Who’s in charge of common names for plants? No one? Good, then we can do as we please with common names. I thereby and hereby give this orchid the common name of Chicken Foot Orchid because its …
Time to Take Care of Them
My garden is full of them, and I’ll bet yours is, too. Generally, only you can see them in your garden until you tell others about them. Then they see them and nod in agreement realizing that they …
What Every New Gardener Needs
There are going to be a lot of new gardeners this spring, eager to grow a few vegetables and hopefully some flowers. These new gardeners might be trying to save money by growing a bit of food or they …
APB for Missing Crocuses
This is an APB (All Points Bulletin) for Missing Crocuses.The crocuses have not been seen since last spring and are now past due in the garden.Generally just a few inches tall, they were last seen …