New in my garden, Diervilla lonicera. A native shrub, one of its common names is Northern Bush Honeysuckle. It's on Indiana's threatened and endangered list, where it is noted as …
This Evening’s To Do List… Before The Garden Designer Returns
The garden designer returns tomorrow morning with trees to plant the copse in the backyard. Did you note that? Tomorrow. The garden designer returns. To my garden. I made myself up a little …
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Tangle Rainbowfly’s Great Escape: A Guest Post By The Garden Fairies
A guest post by the garden fairies... We garden fairies have some extremely important extra exciting news to share, which has caused us to write yet another guest post. This will be our third …
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Dear Friends and Gardeners: June 7, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, Do you know how long it takes to shell eight cups of peas? I do! I can tell you from my own experience that it takes about an hour, and that’s …
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Plants That Splay
"Splayed" is not a term I like to use to describe a plant in my garden. It implies that either that plant has a poor habit of floppy its branches out from the center -or- that I am a lazy …
Strawberry Growing Secrets
My strawberry patch is 4’ x 8’ and located down at the eastern end of the vegetable garden. It gets a bit of shade from a nearby Snowball bush (Viburnum opulus ‘Sterile’) but is mostly in full sun all …