Knock, knock. Who’s there? Solenostemon scutellarioides. Solenostemon scutellarioides who? Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Crimson Gold’ No joke, those crazy taxonomists renamed the common coleus a …
Three Acronyms To Help You With Bulb Planting
It’s late August and our thoughts turn to buying bulbs to plant this fall for spring flowers next year. With the garden design in progress, an overall busy summer, and a garden so dry that it seems …
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May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers
“May all your weeds be wildflowers” is a charming sentiment. I hope this is true in my garden. I hope that the weeds that grow and bloom there are pretty enough for someone to say “how lovely” …
Dear Friends and Gardeners August 23, 2010
Dear Dee and Mary Ann and Gardening Friends Everywhere, I am not pleased to report that we are about to break a weather record that was set back in 1897. That was the year they had the driest August …
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Garden Design Update: Need To Mull, Soon
Garden designs, as it turns out, often take a break in the summer time, or at least mine is. My last assignment from the garden designer for the garden design was to mull over a list of suggestions …
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GUTS: A New Gardener’s Acronym
It takes guts to garden under tough situations (GUTS). Where we garden, whether it is on the edge of the Arctic Circle or the middle of the Mojave Desert or some place in between can make it tough …