Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I state your name, am a gardener. I pledge and promise that: I will not panic if one week off work in May is not enough time to complete all the …
Vegetable Garden Patterned After a Great Cathedral
Over the weekend, I used wooden stakes and string to mark where the new beds will be in the vegetable garden. I measured, staked, and strung, then stepped back to view the layout.It was then that I …
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Star-of-Bethlehem Discovered in Woodland Follies
INDIANAPOLIS, IN -- On a quiet afternoon, Ms. Carol M. Indygardener was tending to her garden, mostly marking out new beds in the vegetable garden, when she noticed a pretty, white, almost shiny …
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Guest Post: Garden Fairies on the Eve of Gardening Week
Garden fairies here! We are all in a dither and don't know quite what to make of this new turn of events here at May Dreams Gardens. Normally, we garden fairies have to sneak around to get a chance …
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Precise Terms for Planting
To ensure we do not lead others astray unwittingly, we should be specific in our writing. We should describe plants by their correct botanical names, refer to plant parts with accurate botanical …
The Truth About Bleeding Hearts
Bleeding heart... a sweet, romantic, old-fashioned flower. For many gardeners, this may have been one of the first flowers that they learned the botanical name for. Dicentra spectabilis. An …