I have a problem in my garden and I think that roses are the answer.
This may surprise some people who know me and my garden because currently I have only two roses.
One is this white rose, a Flower Carpet® rose that is planted in a bed in the front, but not in any place where it stands out.
In fact, for much of the summer, this white rose is crowded out by Potentilla fruticosa ‘McKay’s White’ next to it and the silvery foliage of Snow-in-Summer, Cerastium tomentosum, growing up and over it and all around it. The rose doesn’t get all that tall, maybe a foot or so. (Hey, I bet that’s why they call it a “carpet” rose!)
My other rose is a passalong rose that’s in the back somewhere. “Nothing to write home about” so far, since I left it in a pot for two years and just planted it out earlier this summer. We’ll check on it later.
The problem that I think I can solve with roses is that the front flower bed with the Potentilla, Snow-in-summer, and some scraggly Geraniums, looks terrible!
And it is right in the front of the house, which faces south and gets sun all day long.
Why do I think the answer to this problem is roses?
Because I helped my neighbor get two roses to put in front of her house last fall and right now, one of them looks like this.
Now, wouldn’t a nice row of those roses, or some that are a little less pink, be better along the front of the house than those ratty Potentilla shrubs?
Why didn’t I think of roses earlier?
There are a lot of good roses available now, like the one my neighbor has, that don’t need regular spraying to stay looking nice. I’m going to do my research this winter and be ready this spring to buy some of those types of roses to plant in front in place of the Potentilla.
Yes, I’m convinced that roses are the answer, and though I’m probably never going to be an all-out rosarian, I’m going to finally embrace roses in my garden… for a happier life, or maybe a better looking flower bed.
MA says
If I may be so bold, consider planting the roses in clumps of 3, 5 or 7, they have a breathtaking impact when you cluster them. go for it.
Sweet Home and Garden Carolina says
Roses would look nice there Carol. The best rose I’ve found is the ‘Knockout’. This shrub rose has won many awards for disease resistance and it blooms from early June right up until the snow falls. And , it comes in red.
Anonymous says
Ooh, yes, roses! Add a medium sized ornamental grass and maybe a fall aster in there, and you’ll have an awesome display in fall as well as summer.
Anonymous says
I agree, roses would look fabulous right there! I never think of roses in a plant so compact. Perfect.
Anonymous says
Hi Carol, Knockout is the best rose in my garden, bar none. I don't want to admit to that, but it needs no care, is blooming its head off right now, has lovely dark foliage for winter interest and is carefree. It can get larger than you might like, but a shrub type haircut, not the selective pruning of hybrid teas, will keep it in bounds. If the color is not to your taste, there is a sister rose called Blush Knockout, I use that in areas that need a more subtle hue. Designer Pam has given you a free consultation! It sounds perfect. ;->
Anonymous says
I agree that roses would be nice. You can’t beat the Knockouts for easy care and great blooming though there are some good polyanthas, too.
Always Growing
Anonymous says
I agree with Frances & Jan about the Knockouts. They are the easiest & most prolific shrub roses to grow. They come in a variety of colors & even doubles now. 🙂
Anonymous says
Carol, are those pink knockout roses? Why not try the blush which is less pink or the new yellow one? I know people get tired of knockouts, but they really are fabulous. Pam is right. Add a grass and a perennial aster, and you’ll have one pretty bed. Call me if you need help on the rose front.~~Dee
Mr. McGregor's Daughter says
When the girl asked me to plant a Rose, I thought about the Knockouts, but they didn't seem to have any scent. Instead, I planted 'Carefree Beauty.' It has survived my neglect all summer & is still forming buds. I plan to leave it unprotected this winter.
Gail says
What a great idea Carol and the perfect spot with all that sun! You may get hooked and find other good spots for roses. Aren’t the carefree ones incredible?
Anonymous says
Once you start with roses, it might be hard to stop…! I have to add my two cents in with all of the other great recommendations: If you can find ‘Morning Has Broken’, you will find true rose love. It’s a sweetly scented clear yellow with indestructible foliage. Also, as far as rose foliage goes, we’ve found that underplanting with geranium ‘Rozanne’ helps hide it when it’s ugly.
Anonymous says
I embraced roses some time ago. Few things in the garden bring me more pleasure. If I had more sunlight, I’d have a lot more roses.
Robin's Nesting Place says
I agree with the Knockout suggestions. I planted the double red in our neighborhood entrance median and they have done terrific. I also have several of the double pinks in my own garden and they have continually delighted me. I believe there is even a yellow one now.
Lisa at Greenbow says
Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it Carol. I think you would be happy embracing roses in your front garden.
Rock rose says
My two cents worth- nothing easier than knockout. You just have to control it though.
Carol Michel says
Okay, roses it is! I shall choose some closer to spring… maybe some of those yellow Knockout roses would be nice…
Thanks all for the nice comments and suggestions,
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Nancy says
There are new knockout varieties that are supposed to have scent… and some double flowered ones that have prettier blooms than the first varities. Every year, they’re coming up with some new color or variation.. just look around to see what’s next in the spring.
huh. word verification: nomeme!
Lori says
Roses are awesome. Roses are addictive. I currently have, er, 32 varieties, and my lot is not that big. My advice to you, is don’t do what I did: Do NOT put a wonderfully-scented rose where you can’t easily get to it to smell it. Because if you, say, put a tall bourbon rose against the back fence and then surround it with other prickly roses and an agave, you only get a whiff of heavenly scent after you’ve gotten your ass kicked by the other plants in your garden (and quite literally, by the agave), and then you have to brave the gauntlet again to make the safety of the lawn. The only solution is to cut yourself a bouquet as a reward, and so you don’t have to do that again until the thorn scratches on your legs have healed!