One of the easiest and most dramatic houseplants to grow and keep alive is the Bird of Paradise plant, Strelitzia sp. It’s also easy for people to recognize, especially when it’s in flower, like the one pictured is.
Yes, that picture was taken outside, thanks for noticing that. I took it back in 2008 and I’m guessing it was at the local zoo, but I can’t swear to that.
Oh wait, yes, I can swear to that because I included it in a post I wrote back in 2008 titled When a Gardener Goes to the Zoo. Do you know how many plants have an animal name in their common name? Read that post to find out.
I actually do have a Bird of Paradise houseplant, and so does my younger sister. She bought hers in 2020 in February right before the you-know-what. I know. I was there helping her pick it out. Her Bird of Paradise is in a brightly lit sunroom with south and west windows where it gets sun almost all day. It’s quite large now, well over six feet tall.
My Bird of Paradise plant is in a room near a south-facing window. I’ve had it for about two years. It isn’t as big as my sister’s, but it is getting pretty big.
Just this morning as I went to open the blinds for it, as I do every day, I noticed it’s unfurling a new leaf. It is going to be a lovely leaf!

If you are looking for a houseplant that is bigger than most, unfurls leaves one at a time, and doesn’t grow that fast, I’d try a Bird of Paradise.
And care required? Easy-peasy. Water it. Add a little fertilizer to the water every once in a while. Give it some sunlight. Then enjoy it.
Blooms? I’d be surprised if mine ever blooms, since it is always indoors, but if it does, you know I’ll write about it.
Have a lovely Sunday.
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