I was browsing images on Pinterest and came across a picture of some Amaryllis planted in a large container with ivy, pinned by Mary Ann of Gardens of the Wild, Wild West.
I decided right then and there that I would pot up some Amaryllis and ivy for myself, just like in the picture, sort of.
The picture on Pinterest showed white Amaryllis in a white container.
I decided on pink Amaryllis in a brown clay container because mine are probably going to bloom a few weeks after Christmas. Plus, that’s what I found at the store when I went to buy the Amaryllis bulbs and ivy. Pink and red.
Step by step, here’s how I put the planter together.
First, I set everything out on the table in the sun room, shown above.
Wait. That table cloth is all wrong. That’s kind of springy. I need my wintry, Christmasy table cloth for this project.

That’s better.
Wait. I am going to be slinging around potting soil. I better put something down, like newspaper, to contain the mess.

That’s even better.
I added some potting soil to the container and placed the three Amaryllis bulbs so that when the planting is finished, their necks will be sticking up out of the soil

The bulbs came with plastic pots and discs of compressed potting soil, mostly peat moss. I recycled the plastic pots, they didn’t even have drainage holes. I set aside the discs of compressed potting soil, mostly peat moss. I’ll probably just chuck those onto the compost pile.
Then I added the twigs and more potting soil.

I’m not sure about those twigs, but let’s add the ivy and see how it looks.

As with many houseplants, there is often more than one plant in a pot. I separated the ivy into multiple plants so I could spread it around in the container.

It’s starting to look like something now.
Before I finished it off, I took it over to the sink and watered it thoroughly.

If you don’t have a plant sink in your sun room, you should get one. They are the cat’s meow, the dog’s bark, the bird’s chirp.
I thought this looked nice once planted, except for maybe those twigs, but decided to do one more thing to it.

I added some green moss around the edges to cover up the dirt.

And there it is. My planter of three Amaryllis with ivy.
Of course, it’s going to look a lot better once the Amaryllis actually send up bloom stalks and bloom. That should be in seven to ten weeks, around mid-January, hopefully.
If it looks nice once it is blooming, I’ll share a picture of it.
Update 01/02/2014… the Amaryllis are in full bloom and look magnificent.

This is worth repeating every year.
Looking good! I am going to copy you now.
Hi Carol, love your blog! Your garden fairies are so cute and smart 🙂 I like how you gave all these steps. Now I'm thinking I should go shopping for a red Amaryllis!
What a great idea Carol.
Yay Pinterest, the source of so much inspiration! This will be gorgeous! Love how you dither about things like the tablecloth. You make me smile. Cheers! Ginny
Can't wait for the pic when it's blooming! I get a lot of ideas on Pinterest.
It already looks nice and will look even better in January.
Very nice. You'll be grateful for that in a few weeks. I think those discs may even be coir. I always put mine in soil too unless I'm growing them just in water in vases. ~~Dee
Looks great, Carol! My poor Amaryllis toppled itself over in the night because it's so heavy w/blooms. It still has no roots!
It looks good even now with just the ivy. Can't wait to see the amaryllis. Those pinterest boards can get you into a lot of trouble.
Hi Carol, I have four white amaryllis bulbs ready to go. Never thought of planting them together; I was going to do one baby per pot……let me see if I can find a vessel large enough to do your design justice!!!
Promise to keep posting the progress of your design, okey-dokey?
What a show that will be!
Perfect accompaniments for the bulbs!
that looks great – I was wondering about digging up some of my amaryllis bulbs and putting them into a pot – I think they are in too much shade and that is why they are not flowering, maybe that will force them.
I'm itching to garden and thwarted by the season … your project sounds just what I need. It also has the promise of colour for the bleakest months .
I also covet your plant sink, I spread compost liberally over the kitchen EVERYTIME !!