Did you recently wake up and realize it is almost July? And then you looked around and saw the beginnings of so many projects to do in the garden? Feeling a wee-bit behind? Want to whittle down your gardening “to-do” list?
Yes? Then you need a good dose of allyagottado.
As in…
Allyagottado is pick up your shovel and one of those plants you haven’t put in the ground, walk out to the garden, find a spot and plant it.
Allyagottado is pull back that weed-infested mulch in those paths and lay down some landscape fabric to make it all nice and neat.
Allyagottado is finish tearing out that compost bin, level the ground, edge it with some nice edging stone and then plant it up.
Allyagottado is weed that perennial border again. And then apply some mulch.
Allyagottado is get that nice edging spade and go along the edge of the flower borders to cut a nice, sharp edge.
Allyagottado is take the truck and get another load of mulch, then spread it around.
Hey wait a minute! This sounds like my list of stuff to do in the garden!
Allyagottado. Powerful advice. Powerful words. Allygottado is follow through.
I wholeheartedly agree, Carol!
They never ending list – very well said!
Just when I finish a list I make another. I have enough to keep up this mantra all summer.
My to-do-list is never-ending:)