The compost pile is a place where I keep a few things I hope might turn into something some day. Perhaps a book?
Who’s who at May Dreams Gardens…
Violet Greenpea Maydreams, chief scribe for the garden fairies at May Dreams Gardens. She was originally known as Thorn Goblinfly but decided to change her name to something more meaningful.
Hortense Hoelove, the advice columnist for gardeners in all predicaments.
Dr. V. Q. Hortfreud, my psychoanalyst, really a psychoanalyst for all gardeners, but I am her only patient. She prefers the term “gardenalyst”, by the way.
Dr. Hortenstein, a scientist and experimenter when it comes to the garden.
The McGarden family, more garden fairies who live down in the vegetable garden, Family members include Granny Gus McGarden and her son, the right reverend Hortus Augustus McGarden.
The Old Woman at the Door, who mysteriously comes and goes and gives me advice.
Gloriosa Vanderhort, my stylist who is helping me expand the palette of green I use to decorate my life.
Miss Jane Hortaway, my assistant and secretary. Jane calls me “chief” and enjoys bird-watching.
Deema Mae Flowerweb, a wee garden fairy who is able to grant wishes and help make dreams come tree, as long as they relate to gardening. She and other wee garden fairies often hide in old watering cans, waiting to be found.
F. Lee Hortley, general garden counsel. The F stands for Fothergilla, he is joined by Fairy Hortson, who watched a lot of Perry Mason back in the day.
The Great Hortini, a magician and fortune teller. She performs magic in the garden and looks into the leaves and mulch to tell us what our futures hold.
Hortoise, another columnist like Hortense Hoelove, she focuses on the practical side of gardening, offering hints and tips.
Lois Hortlane, a journalist extraordinaire, loves to get the scoop and report the facts in and out of the garden.
HortGardenhouse, auditors who are responsible for auditing and verifying anything that needs auditing and verifying. I believe it is a bunch of garden fairies.
Hortcule Poirot and Hortlock Holmes, detectives who are called upon from time to time to solve various mysteries in and out of the garden.
Hortocrates, a philospher in the garden, her name rhymes with Socrates – Hort-a-cra-tease. She likes to argue philosophy with another garden philosopher, Horto.
Ms. Hortefeller, is the one who goes to the garden center and over spends. Then Ms. Hortwad takes control and figures out how to economize in other areas outside of the garden.
Professor Hortledore, a gardening teacher, she often draws inspiration from old gardening books and tries to each the relevance of them today to a rather rowdy classroom full of gardeners.
Fairytologist, a person who studies the ways of the garden fairies, fairytology.
Gardenangelist, a person who shares their love of gardening with others and tries to get them to love, or at least like, gardening, too. I consider myself to be a gardenangelist.
Also check out this page of Societies and Clubs here at May Dreams Gardens.
I actually now belong to a garden club, but still keep these virtual clubs around just in case they kick me out of it…
Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Old-Time Gardening Wisdom, Lore, and Superstition (SPPOTGWLS or “the Society”) – Members of the society are interested in the old ways of gardening and in preserving them for future generations.
Green Bandana Garden Club – Not quite a society, this is just an ordinary garden club. Members know they are invited to join when they see a green bandana in their garden. Henceforth, they generally can be found carrying green bandanas with them wherever they go.
Society of Gardeners Aged 50 and Over (SGAFO) – An invitation to join the Society of Gardeners Aged 50 and Over is perhaps the most coveted in all of the garden blogging community. We are always on the look out for new members. I myself am a recent inductee.
Vicar Ellacombe Garden Literary Society – If ever there was someone to name a garden book, excuse me, literary society after, it is Vicar Ellacombe, also known as Canon Ellacombe. He wrote, “I suppose no one who loves his garden is entirely without books on his favourite subject; and, indeed, I have always found that a lover of gardens and flowers is also more or less a lover and reader of books.”
Garden Bloggers’ Book Club – Now defunct, I started this club in 2007 or so and actually encouraged people to virtually join by reading the selected book of the month and posting about it on their blog. I would rather belong now to the Vicar Ellacombe Garden Literary Society.
A group of garden fairies is called a bouquet. Used in a sentence… A bouquet of garden fairies gathered around the roses to weather the storm.