Hello, Spring!
I checked, and you aren’t officially arriving until 11:20 p.m. EDT today, so there’s time for me to give you some advice before then.
But before I launch into my official advice, let me congratulate Winter on this fine, sunny day we seem to be in store for.
But I must also admonish Winter for those biting temperatures this morning. Thank you, but 26F is quite cold. The pansies, violas, and everything else will come through it just fine, but it does give a gardener pause, doesn’t it?
Anyway, Spring, it’s your turn. Here’s my advice for you.
Take over quickly! We do not need to be reminded over and over again about Winter. Yes, you can still have a few frosts here and there. That kind of keeps things moving along at a breathable pace. But please, no more hard freezes. I can take it, but some gardeners get awfully nervous when temps dip into the 20s. (Fahrenheit)
Don’t go so fast! Geez, I can’t believe all the crocuses are nearly finished but they were quite lovely and even though technically Winter owned them, they do get us ready for you, Spring. But now that you’ve arrived, there’s no need to rush every single spring flower into bloom. Let’s do this at a reasonable pace, okay.
No bad weather! Spring, you can throw some real weather tantrums, can’t you? We don’t need the strong stuff, like hail, strong winds, driving rains, or tornadoes. But yes, feel free to provide rain throughout the season, especially in the middle of the night when gardeners are sleeping.
Stay cool! I know it can be tempting to push up that temperature, but if you do that too soon, those spring flowers start to melt, in a plant-y sort of way, and we gardeners start sweating, and no one is happy. A gradual increase in temperatures every few days works best.
Sunshine! This last advice is big, big, BIG! I would advise you to please make sure that Monday, April 8th, when we are due to have a total solar eclipse, be a sunny day with bright, blue, clear skies. Even if you don’t take any of my other advice, please take this advice. April 8th. Sunny. Got it?
Thank you for listening to my advice, Spring. I appreciate it and look forward to many lovely days in the garden with you!
With a shared love of gardening,
I absolutely loved this post and what a wonderful way to start the day with a smile! Yes, the skies are blue and the flowers are blooming, but wait…it’s cold outside after a tease of temperatures in the 60’s. Oh well, Mother Nature is just having some fun, but spring is officially here and this gardener is happy. Happy Spring Carol!