The first little daffodil opened up on Wednesday, the day after a big thunderstorm blew through here.
I meant to pick this daffodil when it was a bud so it could slowly open up inside, but then I forgot and then it got beat up by rain and wind, but it opened anyway, making it one brave flower.
Thankfully, most of the daffodils aren’t as far along as this one, which is good because I need them to be at peak for the world’s greatest family Easter egg hunt.
Anyway, I should not be writing a blog post because over on a secret hidden staging site, I am completely overhauling the look and feel of this website.
Hang on to your keyboards, I think I’ve done what I can do, and now it just needs a few little tweaks from someone who knows a bit more than I do about website guts, and then I will toss it out into the internet, and that will be that. (“Toss it out” sounds like I built a sailboat, and now I’m going to toss it out into the ocean to see if it will float. This reminds me that I thought about writing a blog post about anchors and gardening, but that will have to wait until I’ve launched the updated website.)
Then it’s on to The Next Big Thing, which is that my local greenhouse owner will text me to tell me that her pansies and violas are ready. At which point, I’ll drop everything, and run over there to buy them.
No, it is not too early to plant pansies and violas around here, zone 6b, March.
No, they won’t die when it gets cold at night. Pansies and violas are tough, if not tougher, flowers than daffodils!
When next you see me on the internet with a new blog post, it should be on my updated website. And I’ll have violas and pansies planted all around my garden
Thanks for reading to the end!
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