Garden fairies here.
We are garden fairies, and we are reporting in that we have completed the removal of nearly all the leaves from all the trees.
Except for the oak trees. We’ll be working on them all winter, removing a few leaves at a time. We are garden fairies. That is our custom.
We have to say “nearly all” in regards to the other leaves because Seedy and Soddy have reported that a few leaves on the crabapple tree have refused to come off.
They have tried to coax them off, which seemed to work with all the other leaves, but these particular leaves seem particularly stubborn.
Seedy and Soddy tried all the tricks they knew and then called in Ol’ Rainbow Tanglefly to get his opinion on what to do next.
But then Honoria and Hortense got involved and insisted that the leaves be left alone. They started a campaign called “Leave the leaves.”
Now we garden fairies will have to pull together a committee to decide if we should order a study to figure out why our usual methods for removing leaves are not working with these few leaves. However, another group of garden fairies have asked why we don’t study these leaves to see what is making them cling on this way. Maybe other leaves could learn to do the same next year and fall leaf color could last longer?
This led to a big debate about how long we garden fairies should let leaves stay on trees in the fall. This started a whole other discussion about whether that would be good for the garden in general if we kept leaves on trees longer.
At this point, Granny ‘Gus’ McGarden, who is in charge of the Vegetable Garden Cathedral, noted that not all her beds were covered with leaves for the winter but she supposed those four leaves weren’t going to solve her problem.
Anyway, after a lot of talk and crosstalk, we are garden fairies. We decided we need a committee to figure out why so many decisions had to be made by committees.
In the meantime, those leaves hung on and SweetPea MorningGlory swore she heard them laughing at us.
We are garden fairies.
Submitted by:
Viola GreenPea MayDreams, Chief Scribe and the Committee Chairperson for the Committee on Garden Fairy Committees.
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