The first thing I saw outside this morning was a hummingbird flitting around this pink salvia growing in one of my patio containers.
Don’t look for the hummingbird in my photo. I’m not that good at taking pictures of them, though I did post a picture earlier this summer on Instagram where I added in a hummingbird gif and made it a video. I thought everyone would realize I added the hummingbird, but since people scroll past images and videos so quickly on Instagram, it wasn’t so obvious and people were commenting to show how impressed they were with my abilities to get such a video. So I updated the description to be sure people knew.
Here’s a clipped image to get you to go see the “real” thing on Instagram.
But this post isn’t really about “is it real or did Carol do something to the image.”
It’s about what you see when you look outside first thing in the morning.
Unfortunately, for some people the first thing they might see in the morning is their driveway in their rearview mirror as they back out of their garage and head off to work. That’s not much of a view most of the time. A rearview mirror view rarely is.
I like to look out and see what’s in the back garden first thing in the morning.
In addition to the hummingbird on the salvia (which is ‘Skyscraper Pink’, which I love, which I will most definitely buy every year), I saw more blooms on my Barnardia japonica.
I wrote an entire post about this little late flowering bulb a few years ago. That post includes an online source for the bulbs, or if you want a challenge, a source for the seeds. My little plant, which I planted in 2015, is slowing spreading which makes me happy.
And the third thing that caught my eye was the hardy begonias in full bloom.
There is so much more to see, but our heat wave is breaking so I’m going to wrap this up and instead of seeing the garden from inside, I’m heading outside!
What’s the first thing you saw outside this morning?
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