I discovered early on in gardening that there are many shades of green, and many ways to describe green.
There is green(1), aquamarine(2), and chartreuse(3) for starters.
Then there are greens that are described by putting the name of a plant or other item from nature in front of them like lime green(4), pea green(5), forest green(6), grass green(7), apple green(8), seafoam green(9), emerald green(10) olive green(11) and moss green(12).
There are other shades of green that are made when green is combined with other colors like blue green(13), yellow green(14), and gray green(15).
Then, of course there is light green(16), medium green(17), dark green(18), very dark green(19), medium dark green(20), and medium light green(21).
If you have a fashion sense, you might think of shades of green like neon green(22), metallic green(23), and mossy green(24), which isn’t quite the same as moss green, now, is it?
The list continues with words that don’t even include the word green in them like jade(25), verdigris(26), vert(27), viridian(28), and spruce(29).
For those who can’t decide on a favorite shade of green, they might like bluish green(30), yellowish green(31) or grayish green(32).
Or how could we forget very light green(33), light seaform green(34), light pea green(35), light moss green(36) and light spruce green(37).
Some people can’t get enough green so they go off to the dark side with colors like puke green(38) and snot green(39). Gross. Let’s get those images out of our mind by thinking of spring green(40), leaf green(41), and John Deere green(42).
Too much green? Never! How about pale green(43), pistachio green(44), pastel green(45)? Or light pale green(46)?
Or some more shades of green names that stand alone without green, like moss(47), olive(48), and emerald(49).
Finally, the 50th shade of green? Look to your garden and you’ll find it. A unique color that is the shade of your garden, let’s just call it “your green”(50).
Did you include sage green?
HA, good one, Carol!
Oh you clever gardener!
Great Greens…all 50 Shades.
Carol, I am always amazed at what you come up with my friend. Fifty shade of green indeed!~~Dee
Two more: celadon and celery.
Who knew there were so many shades of green! Very clever post!
You just described my kids' box of Crayola crayons, LOL!
Love it…very clever as always!
Such a marvellous way to illustrate how green has so wrongly been maligned. Cuprinol Willow transforms structures and old garden furniture unbelievably.
I'm partial to the greens you eat: collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, salad (or depending on who you are talking to "salat")greens, micro greens…just to name a few.
I think there must be more than fifty. You cannot have too much green.
Looking out my window at a (mostly) white world, I'd give my right arm for any shade of green. I'd even consider giving up my green thumb.
I agree with Pat… any green would work for me. Not that winter white isn't beautiful, Because it certainly is… but we've been under snow since mid-December here. Very clever post, Carol.
I've been laughing all throughout, maybe this is the laughter which the youngsters now call ROTFL! I am laughing because of your brightness in writing, imagine making a whole post just enumerating the colors of gree, and i am now counting all the word "green" here, making a frequency count. I guess i am the only one fooled to be counting, and counting them is more difficult than writing them. Furthermore, i forgot where i stopped, moved the slider and started again. Now do you know the Green Total? Whew!!!